Sunday, March 25, 2012

Book RELEASE PARTY! Join in on the FUN!

Saturday March 31st is the Facebook Jam PARTY!

Also kicking off with a Twitter release party on Tuesday March 27th, sponsored by #AAMBCBookParty so follow that hashtag on 3/27 if you want to party more :-D

I'm so excited to announce the details about the star studded guest that will be running the party at my Explorer X-Beta Facebook Release Party!

Here's the PARTEE - link to here the buzz:

Spotlight Author Guest Hosts Keeping the Party Rolling will be:
LM Preston to kick it off - Yours Truly

12pm-1pm (EST) - LM Preston party kickoff

1pm-2pm - Willow Cross

2pm-3pm - Leah Diane Hutchinson

3pm-4pm - C. Lee McKenzie

4pm-5pm - Norwood Holland

6pm-7pm - Alivia Anders

7pm-8pm - Alicia 'Kat' Dilman

8pm-9pm -KaSonndra Leigh

9pm-10pm - Kristi M Worrell

10pm-11pm - Shevi Arnold

The Party Rundown!

11 hour marathon of Spotlight Authors, trivia games, food, itunes gift cards, list of freebie party favors, interactive chatting, singing, dancing, nonstop games, music, prizes and free stuff!! Author segments each hour that are themed and more giveaways!!!

Virtual Tour Schedule for Explorer X-Beta More Prizes More Fun:

April 8th: Mariah @ A Readers Adventure
April 8th: The Plot Thickens
9th: Angie @ My Four Monkeys
10th: Glenda @ Book Reader's Heaven
11th: Krystal @ Live To Read
12th: Nicole @ Purple Peguin Reviews
13th: Shelia @ Shelia Deeth
14th: Luke @ Luke Reviews
15th: Andrea @ So Many Books, So Little Time
16th: Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! (Guest Post Only)
17th: Dee @ Book Zone

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Facebook Release Party Favor Giveaway!

JOIN IN THE FUN! Explorer X-Beta Facebook Release Party Giveaways will be showing up soon. Stay tuned to sign up.


FILL OUT THE FORM FOR YOUR FREE ebook copy of the Explorer X-Beta and a random high point winner will get the $10 intunes gift card.

* Put email in comments with your points*

a Rafflecopter giveaway